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RGS Method Design


Relay Graduate School of Education

The Relay Graduate School of Education, NYC’s first accredited graduate teaching school in 80 years, commissioned Method Design to design new teaching, administration, and operations spaces.

RGS Method Design
RGS Method Design

The studio’s proposal focused on analysis of Relay’s pedagogy and operations structure, and developed a planning strategy that recreates a full institution of higher learning ‘campus’ within the 40,000 sq ft space. This meant proposing a series of buildings within the building that operate as a student union, the teaching spaces, and student-administrative interface space.

Specifically, the team developed the teaching ‘building’ with a deep façade to recreate Socratic-style teaching where informal discussion and interaction amongst faculty and students is encouraged. The result is a space of diverse environments for study, learning, and working.

RGS Method Design
RGS Method Design
By manifesting pedagogy in the architecture, and planning of the facility, an emergent model for teaching, learning, and interacting is developed
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