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FRM Method Design

Architecture and Design

We reject separation; the usual dichotomy between art and science, theory and practice, drawing and building, thinking and doing. Our value—what makes us unique—is that we engage in and explore the space between both. We don’t research in order to design. We research by designing. We build drawings so that we may build buildings. We think by designing. It is between these traditionally separated spaces in which we find spark, revelation, vision and intelligent solutions.

Interior Environments

Crafting Interior environments goes well beyond furniture selection or “workplace strategies.” It requires the vison to integrate color, design, lighting, and systems within the structure of architectural shell. It necessitates the coexistence of hard surfaces with soft furnishing. It defines the texture, warmth, ambiance of a home as compared to the crispness, brightness and rigor of a professional space. We have a deep investment in how to orchestrate a myriad of environments and bring your project to life.
CPH Method Design

Urbanism and Planning

At Method Design we have deep commitment to creating urban spaces, whether at the city scale or remarkable, more intimate spaces. Our interest in, and understanding of, how people use, harmonize and interact with their environments enables us to make places that encourage, uplift and align with individuals and communities.
Sustainable Method Design

Sustainable Systems and
Passive Strategies

Sustainability—true integrated deep sustainbility—requires a method. A practice. A technical vision that combines the principles of design with building science.Most of all it requires a persistence and rigor in execution to make a meaningful impact. We excel in the science, systems, passive strategies, and dedicated oversight required to make greener projects, while prioritizing your design and needs.

Computational Design Processes

We solve issues of great complexity, is through the use of radical simplicity. We employe the latest advancements in computational design to take the most complicated projects, forms, systems and structures, and define them in an understandable and buildable manner. Clarity is the key to simplicity; and It’s the reason why an international mix of architects, fabricators, and construction firms continue to turn to us.

Project Management

While it takes a million decisions to build even the simplest project, not all decisions have the same value. Construction is difficult. Design can be complicated. Client requirements are ever changing. We use an integrated approach to navigate program development, site searches, landlord work letters, construction budgets, project scheduls, client repsonsibilities and delivery methods to guide you through each decision.

Industrial Design

The things around us, each touchpoint, the each object and structure with which we interact, may have the greatest silent impact on our everyday lives. We take seriously the objects that are crafted in our studio, whether one-off custom designs, or products meant to be replicated for mass production.